F-Musiikki Oy is the largest importer, wholesaler and retailer of music products in Finland, representing a long-standing expertise, tradition and brand in its field. F-Musiikki Oy's predecessor, Musiikki Fazer, was founded in 1897. The product range includes pianos, keyboards, acoustic instruments, band instruments, pro audio products, mixers, sheet music and music software from the world's leading instrument manufacturers.

In 2016, F-Musiikki acquired Live Nation Finland's Gets business unit, which focuses on presentation/event technology services. The new F-PRO offers Finland's most comprehensive solutions for even the most demanding light and sound technical implementations.

Best prices

Why venture further? Our prices are competitive with anyone - compare! We'll also take your old equipment in exchange.

Our mega store is located in Vantaa Retail Park, Antaksentie 4. We also have stores in Espoo, Turku, Tampere, Kuopio, Oulu and Seinäjoki. Vantaa's store, warehouse and professional piano service facilities are the largest in their field in the Nordic countries.

Our expertise

Our staff helps you make the right choices. Every one of our sales staff is a professional in the field. Instruction manuals and/or user guidance in Finnish are included with all the products we sell.

For us, music is everything. Welcome to the world of music.

Janne Kainulainen, CEO F-Musiikki Oy, a finnish company.